Web Design Service Terms
Thes Web Design Service Terms, or WST, is a contract between you and BRIZZO (BRIZZO, we, us, or our). All clients of BRIZZO agree to abide by these terms. All clients of BRIZZO also warrant that they are at least 18 years of age, and that they have the right and authority to bind themselves, or the company that they represent, to the terms of this Web Design Service Agreement (WST). This WST, may be modified from time-to-time. All clients of BRIZZO agree to be bound by these modifications. The most recent version of this WST can always be found here.
1. Service
BRIZZO provides web design and a NO-INVESTMENT web design for eligible businesses. Instead of a paid web design or web development service the website will be built for free and rented out to you. A setup fee may apply.
You agree to post the credentials (link in orange) “Web Design by ANAXO”, “Web Design by BRIZZO ” or “Web Design and Web Hosting by BRIZZO” on every page.
2. Hosting
The NO-INVESTMENT plan requires a BRIZZO hosting plan. After the contract is paid in full, you can move your WordPress website to a different hosting anytime, see 8. Termination. During the lease term you agree to refrain from any attempts to move your website away from BRIZZO. Please be aware that BRIZZO hosting does not provide cPanel access. NO-INVESTMENT Websites on BRIZZO are usually built on WordPress or Magento. You will not have administrator access during the term of the lease agreement and you are not allowed to change the website in anyway other than with your granted Editor access for content management, i.e. change of headlines, text and images. Any further changes and development including but not limited to themes, plugins, payment gateways, WooCommerce changes and any other tweaking to the structure have to go through our ticket system. These changes are not included in the NO-INVESTMENT plan, but you will receive special prices, priority treatment and a cost estimation upfront.
You agree BRIZZO may display the credentials (link in orange) “Web Hosting by BRIZZO”, “Hosting by BRIZZO”, “Design and Hosting by BRIZZO”, “Web Design and Web Hosting by BRIZZO” or similar on every page’s footer.
3. Scope
What is included in web design (regular and NO INVESTMENT) and what not:
+ Staging site with coming soon page
+ Login opportunity for you to watch development progress
+ WordPress installation
+ Premium theme
+ All necessary plugins
+ Homepage and max. 10 inner pages, additional pages on request
+ SEO basics based on provided focus keyword
+ Optimized Images for fast pageload
+ Top Slider, slider may increase page load times
+ Contact Forms
+ Google Maps, these can increase page load times
+ Photo-Gallery
+ All pages 100% responsive and mobile friendly
+ Retina Ready
+ All Google Fonts available
+ Unlimited colors: choose your own background, text, headline, signature color
Available add-ons (not included in basic price, available in the BRIZZO shop or on hourly):
- E-Commerce
- Graphic design (e.g. favicon package)
- Integration of email platforms like mailchimp
- Integration of social media (facebook, instagram, twitter etc.)
- Landing Page (Hosting PRO PLAN required)
- Membership Area
- Multi-Language
Please contact us for additional services which are not listed here.
Any necessary graphic design service like logo creation, logo adaption, favicon package generation can be provided through our design studio ANAXO.
Deliverables by you:
- Domain registrar login
- Website title, description and homepage focus keyword
- Images, videos, texts, copy and headlines for all pages, suggestions can be made as placeholder, copyright service can be provided on additional charge
- Logos and art files must be submitted in vector format (.eps or .ai), images in .jpg (minimum resolution: 2000px width for landscape, 2000px height for portrait format)
- Favicon package
- Blog Posts (sample post will be provided)
- E-Commerce settings, payment gateway, data and sales item entry (product sample will be provided)
- All data have to be provided in a cloud based storage, e.g. dropbox, Google
4. Budget
Besides the setup fee the NO INVESTMENT plan website development is free of any charges upfront, however the monthly web bundle fee (web design fee plus fee for web hosting) starts with the sign-up date which also kicks off the website development.
Regular web design projects have individual payment plans, please see your offer for details.
The following time budget for the website development applies:
On average a website development takes about 3-4 weeks. After a period of 6 weeks all changes are on hourly rate, see 9. Hourly Rate, independent of the draft stage, i.e. the offer ends after the 6 weeks period, see 5.1./5.2. Process. Additional work and changes on the website can be done at a later time on hourly web development rate as well.
The web design development does not include costs or fees for
- Any graphic design work for logos, illustration
- Image/photo corrections
- Purchased assets like stock images
- Copywriting, Proofreading
- Website Optimization
- CDN (Content Delivery Networks)
- Other paid services or plugins
- Legal Advice and Services, e.g. Terms and Privacy Policy
- Content management for blog post, including migrations from existing websites
- Further development of the website after approval and going live
- etc.
5.1. Process – Full Website
Development time: 6 weeks, timing starts at Step 3
Step 1: Briefing to clarify project scope and goal of your new website.
Step 2: Determine dependencies for BRIZZO and you, e.g. design elements, logos, images, copy/text/headlines, focus keywords
Step 3: Draft 1 of Homepage and one inner page will be developed (development time: 1 week)
Step 4: You may change every element of Draft 1 (response time: 1 week)
Step 5: Based on the provided changes Draft 2 of Homepage will be developed with all inner pages (development time: 1 week)
Step 6: You may change every element of the homepage and inner pages (response time: 1 week)
Step 7: Based on the second revision Draft 3 of Homepage, all inner pages and all responsive views/mobile-friendliness will be developed (development time: 2 weeks)
Step 8: Your approval – website can go live!
After the 3rd draft all additional changes are charged on hourly web development rate, see 9. Hourly Rate
After the 6 weeks continuing work on the website is based on the hourly rate, see 9. Hourly Rate, should the reason for the delay of the launch of the website being caused due to not fulfilled client dependencies (e.g. missing content), further customization wishes, or delayed response on former Steps.
5.2. Process – One-pager
Development time: 4 weeks, timing starts at Step 3
Step 1: Briefing to clarify project scope and goal of your new website.
Step 2: Determine dependencies for BRIZZO and you, e.g. design elements, logos, images, copy/text/headlines, focus keywords
Step 3: Draft 1 of One-Pager will be developed (development time: 1 week)
Step 4: You may change every element of Draft 1 (response time: 3 business days)
Step 5: Based on the provided changes Draft 2 of One-Pager will be developed (development time: 1 week)
Step 6: You may change every element of the One-Pager (response time: 3 business days)
Step 7: Based on the second revision Draft 3 of One-Pager and all responsive views/mobile-friendliness will be developed (development time: 1 weeks)
Step 8: Your approval – website can go live!
After the 3rd draft all additional changes are charged on hourly web development rate, see 9. Hourly Rate
After the 4 weeks continuing work on the website is based on the hourly rate, see 9. Hourly Rate, should the reason for the delay of the launch of the website being caused due to not fulfilled client dependencies (e.g. missing content), further customization wishes, or delayed response on former Steps.
6. Terms and Copyright
The website will paid in full or will be leased by you with the NO INVESTMENT plan for a minimum of 24 months (short-term) or 54 months (standard). After the 24/54 months you will receive a special offer for a continued website hosting with BRIZZO. During that lease period all copyrights remain at BRIZZO. After the lease period of 24/54 months the copyrights can be transferred anytime over to you for a copyright fee of $399.
7. Payment
Your invoice is generated prior to its due date. The due date is the day of the month you signed up (Due Date). Your credit card will be charged latest on the Due Date, typically 2-3 days before the due date to allow processing times. You are responsible for the fees and charges set out on the page describing the Services you have purchased, according to the terms set out on that page. Monthly web bundle fees start on the signup day and are independent of the date the website goes live.
In addition, certain aspects of the Services may be billed by third parties to you, through us. All of these are referred to collectively as “Fees.”
Unless special arrangements are otherwise made in writing, fees and expenses of others will be your responsibility and will be billed directly to you. These costs will be approved by you in writing in advance of being incurred. You will be invoiced for all reimbursable expenses, together with appropriate documentation evidencing such expenses. Reimbursable expenses shall be paid by you within 3 days of the date of invoice.
BRIZZO reserves the right to impose an interest charge equal to 2.5% per month on any fees or invoiced reimbursable expenses that remain unpaid after 3 days and services will be terminated.
Websites cannot go live if invoice(s) are not paid in full.
8. Termination
If you terminate a NO INVESTMENT plan agreement before the lease period ends you are responsible to pay off the remaining rent in full plus a termination fee of $250. You can move the website away upon copyright transfer, see 6., Terms and Copyright.
9. Hourly Rate for additional services
Any additional service performed by BRIZZO or its affiliates and partners, e.g. further development of the website, structure changes, graphics design, copywriting, photo retouching etc. will always be approved by you in advance and will be charged by the current hourly rate.
For question please call the BRIZZO Customer Service at 310.919.5310, November 3rd 2017, updated May 15th 2024